“The fact that the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality placed 12 conditions on the permit is an indication that the Brook Mine permit is inadequate and incomplete. Currently, we are reviewing all of the conditions to make sure that the permit will protect the health and safety of the Tongue River Valley and its inhabitants.” […]
Posts Categorized: News
Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future webinar series continues July 7
On Tuesday, July 7 Powder River Basin Resource Council will continue its webinar series, Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future, providing education, tools, and resources available for a planned transition to a new, diversified Wyoming economy. Each session features different panelists with specific areas of expertise in transitioning resource-dependent communities. In this third webinar, Securitization: A Finance […]
Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future webinar series continues June 25
On Thursday, June 25 Powder River Basin Resource Council will continue its webinar series, Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future, providing education, tools, and resources available for a planned transition to a new, diversified Wyoming economy. Each session features different panelists with specific areas of expertise in transitioning resource-dependent communities. In this second webinar, Tools to Diversify […]
Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future webinar series starts June 17
On Wednesday, June 17 Powder River Basin Resource Council will kick-off its webinar series, Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future, providing education, tools, and resources available for a planned transition to a new, diversified Wyoming economy. Each session will feature panelists with specific areas of expertise in transitioning resource-dependent communities. In this first webinar, Wyoming’s Reality & […]
Powder River Basin Resource Council Objects to Proposed Ramaco Coal Mine
Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) and many Sheridan County landowners and concerned citizens filed objections to Ramaco’s proposed Brook Mine this month. The mine is proposed approximately six miles north of Sheridan, in the scenic Tongue River Valley, an area with important agricultural and recreational attributes. Most of the objecting landowners live in […]
Bankruptcies and Inadequate Bonds Threaten Taxpayers, Landowners with Orphan Oil and Gas Wells
In the midst of historically low oil prices and plummeting demand due to coronavirus restrictions, inadequate federal and state reclamation bonding requirements make it easier for deeply indebted oil and gas operators to declare bankruptcy and walk away from orphaned wells en masse. A recent report by the Western Organization of Resource Councils examining the […]
Corporate bailout proposed by coal lobbyists would mean shortfalls in revenue for states
The National Mining Association’s use of the COVID-19 crisis to roll back royalty rates puts revenue streams for states and coal communities dealing with the crisis in jeopardy. The Western Organization of Resource Councils (WORC) and its member groups in Wyoming, Montana, and Colorado are asking Congress and the White House to reject a recent […]
Report Shows Wyoming Has Wasted Time & Money on Failed Coal Projects
Today the Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) released a new report, “Lessons from History: Wyoming’s 30 Years of Failed Coal Upgrading Projects,” which traces the state’s legacy of coal upgrading projects from the 1980s to the present. The Resource Council researched sixteen different public and private projects that were attempted during the past […]
Update – Postponed! Local Foods Marketing Workshop now planned for May 28 in Sheridan
(This was originally scheduled for March 19 and has been postponed.) If you would like to sharpen your skills at marketing your locally grown or homemade food products, Powder River Basin Resource Council is hosting a Local Foods Marketing Workshop on Thursday, May 28 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at the Sheridan County Fulmer Public […]
Westerners Travel to Denver to Speak in Opposition to Fundamental Changes to NEPA
Denver, CO – Community leaders from across the Western U.S. traveled to Denver, Colorado today to testify at a hearing held by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), the division of the White House charged with implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). In the public hearing, farmers, ranchers, tribal members, environmental experts and others […]