Wyoming Legislative Session

For over 50 years, Powder River Basin Resource Council has worked with citizens for the responsible development of Wyoming’s resources and the protection of our unique landscapes and rural communities. The Wyoming Legislature is where many critical decisions about our land, water, and air quality are made—decisions that directly impact our agricultural heritage and rural lifestyle for generations to come.

As a grassroots organization, our strength comes from our members taking direct action. For years we have witnessed everyday Wyoming citizens engage with the legislative process and real change happened. This page is designed to help our members and supporters participate in meaningful ways—from tracking bills to contacting legislators to testifying at hearings. Our legislative monitoring and advocacy work ensures that the interests of Wyoming’s communities are represented in Cheyenne year-round, not just during the regular session.

Your Guide to Legislative Engagement 

How you can help pass good laws for Wyoming

Email Communication:

Emailing Wyoming legislators is one of the most direct ways to share your perspective. Use a clear subject line that includes any relevant bill numbers (e.g., “Support HB123 – Water Conservation”). Begin by identifying yourself as a constituent with your full name and hometown. Keep your message focused on a single issue and limit it to 3-4 paragraphs. Explain how the issue affects you personally or impacts your community specifically. Conclude with a clear ask, such as “Please vote yes on HB123.”

Written Letters:

A handwritten letter has more weight than a typed letter, which has more weight than an email. Address your letter properly (during session: Wyoming State Capitol, 200 West 24th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82002; during interim: home address from the legislative website). Keep letters to one page, use a respectful tone, and follow similar content guidelines as emails.

To the hotline:

The Wyoming Legislature offers an Online Hotline service that allows residents to express support for or opposition to specific legislation during the session. You can also leave brief comments (limited to 140 characters) about the bill. This provides a quick way to register your position on multiple bills. The online hotline form can be found at:


Testify in committee:

Wyoming legislators genuinely want to hear from constituents during committee meetings, and your testimony can significantly influence their decisions. You can participate either in person at the Capitol in Cheyenne or remotely through online options that make it accessible from anywhere in the state. Keep your remarks concise and focused on how the proposed legislation would affect you, your family, or your community. Check out this document for how to testify online

Sign up for Powder River action alerts and updates:

Stay informed about critical legislative developments through our weekly updates and action alerts during the session. Alerts are sent only when citizen engagement can make a meaningful difference, respecting your inbox and your time. Updates include talking points, legislator contact information, and deadlines for action, making it simple to participate in the legislative process even with a busy schedule. Sign up through the website to receive timely notifications about issues that matter to Wyoming’s communities, lands, and resources.

Talk with your legislators in the interim:

Wyoming’s citizen legislature means your representatives are your neighbors who return to their communities and regular jobs during the interim period. This creates perfect opportunities for more casual, personal conversations about issues that matter to you. Most legislators genuinely welcome these interactions, as they provide valuable insights from constituents they might miss during the fast-paced session. Consider inviting your representative for coffee, attending their local events, or simply introducing yourself when you see them around town. These informal exchanges often prove more productive than formal communications, allowing for authentic discussion without the time pressures of the legislative session. Remember that building relationships during the interim helps establish trust and understanding that can be beneficial when advocating for specific issues later.