Westerners call on BLM to update federal oil & gas bond amounts

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This week, 30 western grassroots and advocacy groups sent a letter to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Tracy Stone-Manning urging her agency to update the Bureau’s federal onshore oil and gas bonding program. Impacted communities and split-estate landowners throughout the West are ready to see BLM take expedient action to update the program, which […]

Conservation Groups to Defend Administration’s Postponement of Oil & Gas Lease Sales

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Casper, WY – Seventeen groups represented by Earthjustice and the Western Environmental Law Center moved to intervene today to defend the Biden administration’s postponement of several oil and gas lease sales. A September ruling in U.S. District Court in Wyoming affirmed the administration’s ability to postpone lease sales, but the state of Wyoming and industry […]

Powder River Breaks Newsletter, November – December 2022

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November – December 2022, Volume 50, Number 6 After two years of online annual meetings, we were able to hold our milestone 50th Annual Meeting in person, taking the opportunity to reconnect after two years of COVID and celebrate Powder River’s accomplishments over the last half-century. Rather than an issue-focused meeting, we decided to hold […]

Advocates Urge DOI & BLM: Protect Taxpayers & Fix the Broken Oil & Gas Bonding System

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Three Groups Submit Formal Petition Urging Agencies to Modernize Bonding Requirements Before Taxpayers Lose Another Dime SEE THE PETITION This morning, the Western Organization of Resource Councils, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and the Natural Resources Defense Council submitted a formal petition to the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) […]

Powder River to Celebrate 50th Annual Meeting

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On Saturday, Nov. 5, Powder River Basin Resource Council will host its 50th Annual Meeting at the Ramada Plaza in Sheridan. This year’s theme, Celebrating 50 Years of Protecting Wyoming’s Quality of Life, will reflect on the organization’s history and accomplishments, as well as look ahead to the future. Powder River’s members have accomplished so […]

Groups challenge massive Wyoming drilling, fracking project on behalf of wildlife and communities

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Conservation groups have filed a legal challenge targeting the Converse County Oil &  Gas Project in the southern Powder River Basin of  Wyoming. The massive 5,000 oil well project , approved under the Trump administration, is projected to have a major impact in air quality locally and regionally, including in treasured landscapes of neighboring national […]

Court rejects Wyoming, industry challenge to postponement of oil, gas lease sales

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A federal judge in Wyoming affirmed the Biden administration’s decisions to postpone oil and gas lease sales in early 2021, holding that the federal government has broad authority to postpone sales to address environmental concerns. In his ruling Friday, U.S. District Judge Scott Skavdahl rejected arguments by industry and Wyoming and found that the Bureau […]

Powder River Breaks Newsletter July – August 2022

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July – August 2022, Volume 50, Number 4 Despite temperatures topping 100 degrees, over 60 ranchers and rancher supporting organizations, including Powder River, spent most of Aug. 10, walking through fields of diverse cover crops at Little Horn Ranch/Twin Creek, Koltiska Cattle & Hay Ranch, and the Wyarno University of Wyoming Research Station during the […]