Powder River Basin Resource Council Statement on Ramaco Rezone in Tongue River Valley

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Today the Sheridan County Commission voted 3 – 2 to approve Ramaco Wyoming Coal Company’s application to rezone 114 acres in the Tongue River Valley from agricultural to light industrial. Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) had lodged comments opposing the rezoning, as had a number of Resource Council members. Testimony stretched out for […]

RENEWyoming: Solar Stories from the Cowboy State

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RENEWyoming was born in response to a growing trend of solar installation in Wyoming. Across the state, more people are installing solar panels than ever before. Wyoming is not alone. Nationally and globally solar cell technology has improved and prices have come down accordingly, spurring an increase in installation. People have a variety of reasons […]

Powder River Breaks January – February 2018

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January – February 2018 Volume 46, Number 1 Powder River members, affiliate Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), and the communities of Durham Estates and Triple Crown, protested three waste water injection wells in Laramie County late last year. After a hearing was scheduled to hear Powder River’s protest on one of the wells – the […]

EOG withdraws permit for injection well in Laramie County

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February 27, 2018 Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) and its affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), welcomed the announcement Thursday that EOG Resources has withdrawn its application for a wastewater injection well in Laramie County. The Pole Creek 148-25H well would have injected roughly 25,000 barrels of toxic wastewater per day into the […]

RENEWyoming campaign increases awareness of solar opportunities

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February 14, 2018 Solar energy is gaining ground in Wyoming with both home and business owners generating their own electricity. Solar power installation has become increasingly affordable, and Wyomingites have taken full advantage of this opportunity to generate their own power. Over the last several months, Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) has collected […]

Bob LeResche: Contura Sale Underscores Need to End Self-Bonding

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January 2018 The following op-ed ran in the Casper Star-Tribune, Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, Gillette News Record, WyoFile, Sheridan Press, and Billings Gazette. This past month a completely unknown and unproven company called Blackjewel, LLC “bought” two of Wyoming’s oldest and biggest coal mines. More particularly, they were given the mines in exchange for assuming their cleanup […]

7 Point Plan to Protect Groundwater

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This report recommends that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. To read full report, download the PDF.

Report unveils plan to protect Wyoming groundwater during oil & gas development

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January 14, 2013 The Powder River Basin Resource Council (“Resource Council”) released a report today recommending that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. The report, A Seven Point Plan to Protect Groundwater:  Unconventional Oil & Gas Development Requires Wyoming […]

New report offers solutions to delinquent mineral taxes

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January 11, 2018 In the face of a statewide budget crisis, mineral extraction companies owe Wyoming taxpayers over $42 million in county taxes unpaid on their operations throughout the state. Today Powder River Basin Resource Council released a new report “Tax Delinquencies and Budget Deficits: A Case for Reform,” which tracked delinquent mineral taxes in 12 counties from 2006 – 2016. The report […]