Today, Tongue River landowners and the Powder River Basin Resource Council praised the decision of the Wyoming Environmental Quality Council to reject Ramaco’s Brook Mine permit application as submitted. “We are grateful for the diligent efforts by the EQC members, who sat through a seven-day hearing and concluded that the proposed permit did not adequately protect public health and safety, land and water,” said Powder River board chair Bob LeResche. “This was an uphill battle for citizens, who were denied an informal hearing on the permit.”
“Our members were subjected to a trial-like hearing with intimidating cross examination from state and industry lawyers, and we are grateful that justice has been served. We will remain vigilant and continue our efforts to ensure that any future proposed mine meets fair standards to protect our water and our land and does not threaten our safety,” continued LeResche.
“The EQC had a difficult task before them, and we applaud their tenacity in making the right decision. There is too much at stake to allow an incomplete mine plan to proceed without having sufficient data, studies, and monitoring in this historic alluvial valley to ensure its preservation and protection of its inhabitants,” said David and Mary Fisher, Tongue River Valley landowners and party to the contested case hearing.
“We are thankful the EQC made the right decision to protect our land and water,” said Tongue River Valley resident Joan Tellez. “This process wasn’t easy for us, but we felt we had to make our concerns heard, and we’re glad that the EQC listened to us. We will continue working to make sure that our land and water remain preserved.”