Wyoming’s Public Service Commission (PSC) is in the middle of an investigation about how Rocky Mountain Power should supply power to you and ratepayers like you across the company’s six-state service territory over the next twenty years. Rocky Mountain Power’s plan is based on a careful study of energy markets. The plan includes retirement of four coal units in Wyoming, replacing them with lower cost renewable energy and battery storage. Unfortunately, some in Wyoming want to keep these coal plants going, literally at any cost.
The PSC needs to hear from you to remind them of their job to keep power rates as low as possible and to ensure the reliability of the electric grid. Your comments don’t have to be long or technical. Just give your own perspective on why keeping power rates affordable matters to you.
Please take a quick moment to send in a comment to wyoming_psc@wyo.gov by April 15th.
More information, including a full copy of the plan can be found at: https://www.pacificorp.com/energy/integrated-resource-plan.html
Thank you for your time and action!
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