EOG withdraws permit for injection well in Laramie County

February 27, 2018 Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) and its affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), welcomed the announcement Thursday that EOG Resources has withdrawn its application for a wastewater injection well in Laramie County. The Pole Creek 148-25H well would have injected roughly 25,000 barrels of toxic wastewater per day into the […]

7 Point Plan to Protect Groundwater

This report recommends that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. To read full report, download the PDF.

Report unveils plan to protect Wyoming groundwater during oil & gas development

January 14, 2013 The Powder River Basin Resource Council (“Resource Council”) released a report today recommending that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. The report, A Seven Point Plan to Protect Groundwater:  Unconventional Oil & Gas Development Requires Wyoming […]

New report offers solutions to delinquent mineral taxes

January 11, 2018 In the face of a statewide budget crisis, mineral extraction companies owe Wyoming taxpayers over $42 million in county taxes unpaid on their operations throughout the state. Today Powder River Basin Resource Council released a new report “Tax Delinquencies and Budget Deficits: A Case for Reform,” which tracked delinquent mineral taxes in 12 counties from 2006 – 2016. The report […]

Say “no” to EOG Resources application for injection well in Laramie County

This editorial appeared in the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle.  Water. Potable drinking water is absolutely necessary for those living in rural Laramie County. The eastern two thirds of Laramie County is designated as a water shortage area. Rural residents get their potable water from wells in the Ogallala Aquifer, also known as the High Plains Aquifer, which […]

Delinquent Mineral Taxes and Budget Deficits: A Case for Reform

Mineral tax revenue is extremely important to Wyoming counties and schools. Over the course of the past five months, Powder River reached out to treasurers in 12 counties and discovered a $42 million deficit in mineral tax collection. In our recent report, Mineral Tax Delinquency and Budget Deficits, we offered several suggestions that, if followed, […]

Powder River Breaks September October 2017

September – October 2017 Volume 45, Number 5 Powder River Pushes for Federal Oil & Gas Reform On September 14th, Powder River joined with other stakeholders to file a petition requesting the Interior Department and Bureau of Land Management update how they manage oil and gas leasing on public lands to give a fair return […]

Landowner Guidelines for Negotiating a Mineral Lease or Surface Use Agreement

The purpose of these guidelines is to provide helpful tips to landowners who are negotiating mineral leases or surface use agreements. The guidelines have been developed in coordination and with assistance from the Converse County Landowners Association, Oil and Gas Accountability Project, and the Powder River Resource Council. Nothing in this document constitutes legal advice. […]

Information about Oil and Gas Leasing For Surface Owners Who Also Own Their Minerals

INTRODUCTION This article is written by an attorney who has written a book to educate low income surface owners regarding their conflicts with oil and gas drillers. This book, the West Virginia Surface Owners’ Guide to Oil and Gas*, is for people who own only the surface while someone else owns the minerals or for people who own […]

An Ohio Landowner’s Guide to Hydraulic Fracturing

  Getting Started This guide is a source of information for you: a landowner in Ohio who is considering signing a lease with a natural gas company (“Company”) for the extraction of natural gas from your land by a process commonly referred to as hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”). Fracking is the process of drilling and extracting natural gas from layers of underground […]