Powder River Breaks November – December 2019

November – December 2019, Volume 47, Number 6 On the evening of Nov. 2, nearly 150 of our members gathered for Powder River’s 47th Annual Meeting. After socializing and shopping at the silent and live auctions; the crowd filled the room at the Holiday Inn in anticipation of the  conversation around how Wyoming can address […]

Powder River Breaks July – August 2019

July – August 2019, Volume 47, Number 4 Early in the morning on July 1, Blackjewel, LLC and associated companies operating 32 coal mines in Wyoming, West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky filed for bankruptcy. Later that day, emergency funding fell through as banks that had previously financed the operations of Blackjewel owner Jeff Hoops no […]

Powder River Breaks May – June 2019

Powder River Breaks May – June 2019 Volume 47, Number 3 Last month, after a two-day hearing over Powder River’s objections to Contura Coal West’s proposal to transfer their permits for the Belle Ayr and Eagle Butte coal strip mines to Blackjewel LLC, the Wyoming Environmental Quality Council (EQC) postponed making a decision. The EQC […]

Powder River Breaks September October 2017

September – October 2017 Volume 45, Number 5 Powder River Pushes for Federal Oil & Gas Reform On September 14th, Powder River joined with other stakeholders to file a petition requesting the Interior Department and Bureau of Land Management update how they manage oil and gas leasing on public lands to give a fair return […]

Powder River Breaks November December 2017

November – December 2017 Volume 45, Number 6 45th Annual Meeting Highlights Diversifying Wyoming Jobs & Revenue On the snowy evening of November 4th, around 100 of our members gathered in Sheridan for Powder River’s 45th Annual Meeting. After socializing and shopping at our silent and live auction, the crowd got down to business with a […]