Powder River’s 2020 Annual Report
This is Powder River Basin Resource Council’s 2020 Annual Report. To read the full report, please download the PDF.
Powder River Breaks September – October 2020
September – October 2020, Volume 48, Number 5 They’re baaccck! That’s right, Aethon Energy is back before the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (WOGCC) trying again to get approval for their previously rejected proposal to inject 20,000 barrels per day of polluted oil and gas wastewater from the Moneta Divide field into the Madison […]
Experts to Discuss Oil & Gas Air Pollution and Public Health at CALC Annual Meeting
The impact of oil and gas air pollution on public health will be the topic of the Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition’s (CALC) Annual Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 24 from 5:30 – 7:00 pm; the event is online and open to the public. The panel will discuss the increasing body of research about the impact oil […]
Powder River Breaks November – December 2019
November – December 2019, Volume 47, Number 6 On the evening of Nov. 2, nearly 150 of our members gathered for Powder River’s 47th Annual Meeting. After socializing and shopping at the silent and live auctions; the crowd filled the room at the Holiday Inn in anticipation of the conversation around how Wyoming can address […]
Powder River Breaks July – August 2019
July – August 2019, Volume 47, Number 4 Early in the morning on July 1, Blackjewel, LLC and associated companies operating 32 coal mines in Wyoming, West Virginia, Virginia, and Kentucky filed for bankruptcy. Later that day, emergency funding fell through as banks that had previously financed the operations of Blackjewel owner Jeff Hoops no […]
Health Risks from Oil & Gas Air Pollutants Webinar Scheduled for June 20th
June 6, 2019 Anyone concerned about how living near oil and gas drilling operations or wells can harm their health is invited to attend a webinar by esteemed public health researcher, Dr. Lisa McKenzie on Thursday, June 20th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm via at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8687645289994219523 or in a group setting at the Laramie County […]
Cheyenne Know Your Rights 2017

The Powder River Basin Resource Council and our Laramie County affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), works with home and business- owners to advocate for increased setbacks and improved measures to mitigate air pollution and other quality of life impacts from noise, lights and traffic. In addition to the rules discussed in this pamphlet, there […]
Is Oil & Gas Drilling Coming to Your Neighborhood?
The Powder River Basin Resource Council and our Laramie County affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), works with home and business-owners to advocate for increased setbacks and improved measures to mitigate air pollution and other quality of life impacts from noise, lights and traffic. To continue reading, please download the following PDF.