Powder River Breaks Newsletter January – February 2022

January – February 2022, Volume 50, Number 1 Powder River, in partnership with researchers at the University of Wyoming Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, has unveiled Wyoming Voices, a pilot project looking at how storytelling may support communities in transition. Through this process, eight participants from Southwest Wyoming not only told their personal […]

Powder River Breaks Newsletter May – June 2021

May – June 2021, Volume 49, Number 3 Regenerative agriculture, a management system for ranchers built on following nature’s lead, is rapidly gaining attention. The system embodies the critical role that livestock producers can play in reviving depleted soils being rapidly lost to desertification. The practices increase soil health, water retention, and sequestration of carbon […]

Powder River Breaks Newsletter January – February 2021

January – February 2021, Volume 49, Number 1 In an effort to demonstrate widespread concern about air quality related to oil and gas development in Laramie County, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), an affiliate of Powder River, teamed up with Earthworks’ Community Empowerment Project to film several leaking wells with state-of-the-art infrared cameras. The organizations […]

Powder River’s 2020 Annual Report

This is Powder River Basin Resource Council’s 2020 Annual Report. To read the full report, please download the PDF.

Wyoming Solar Projects to be Featured in National Solar Tour

The 25th Annual National Solar Tour kicks off its virtual tour Sept. 28 and will feature Wyoming homes and businesses powered by solar energy. Powder River Basin Resource Council (Powder River) is working with the tour sponsors, Solar United Neighbors and the American Solar Energy Society, to feature 25 homes and businesses powered by solar […]

Powder River Breaks July – August 2020

July – August 2020, Volume 48, Number 4 In the summer of 2019, Governor Gordon, a couple of legislative leaders, and the state land office began discussions about the purchase of millions of acres of mineral rights and land owned by the financially troubled Occidental Petroleum (Oxy). The purchase entailed approximately 1 million acres of […]

Powder River Basin Resource Council Statement on Brook Mine Permit

“The fact that the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality placed 12 conditions on the permit is an indication that the Brook Mine permit is inadequate and incomplete. Currently, we are reviewing all of the conditions to make sure that the permit will protect the health and safety of the Tongue River Valley and its inhabitants.”  […]

Powder River Breaks May – June 2020

May – June 2020, Volume 48, Number 3 In June, Powder River kicked off a four-part webinar series, Reclaiming & Growing Wyoming’s Future, providing education, tools, and resources available for a planned transition to a new, diversified Wyoming economy. Each session features panelists with specific areas of expertise in transitioning resource dependent communities. In the […]

Powder River Basin Resource Council Objects to Proposed Ramaco Coal Mine

Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) and many Sheridan County landowners and concerned citizens filed objections to Ramaco’s proposed Brook Mine this month. The mine is proposed approximately six miles north of Sheridan, in the scenic Tongue River Valley, an area with important agricultural and recreational attributes. Most of the objecting landowners live in […]

Update – Postponed! Local Foods Marketing Workshop now planned for May 28 in Sheridan

(This was originally scheduled for March 19 and has been postponed.) If you would like to sharpen your skills at marketing your locally grown or homemade food products, Powder River Basin Resource Council is hosting a Local Foods Marketing Workshop on Thursday, May 28 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at the Sheridan County Fulmer Public […]