Scientists to present on Pavillion area oil & gas contamination
October 8, 2018 Three independent scientists who have investigated the oil and gas contamination in the Pavillion area will present their analysis on Thursday, October 18 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Central Wyoming College, Intertribal Center, Room 125, in Riverton. The scientists presenting at the forum are: Mike Wireman, a hydro-geologist and former […]
EOG withdraws permit for injection well in Laramie County
February 27, 2018 Powder River Basin Resource Council (Resource Council) and its affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), welcomed the announcement Thursday that EOG Resources has withdrawn its application for a wastewater injection well in Laramie County. The Pole Creek 148-25H well would have injected roughly 25,000 barrels of toxic wastewater per day into the […]
7 Point Plan to Protect Groundwater
This report recommends that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. To read full report, download the PDF.
Report unveils plan to protect Wyoming groundwater during oil & gas development
January 14, 2013 The Powder River Basin Resource Council (“Resource Council”) released a report today recommending that Wyoming implement seven specific actions to protect scarce and dwindling groundwater resources during the unfolding boom in unconventional oil and gas development. The report, A Seven Point Plan to Protect Groundwater: Unconventional Oil & Gas Development Requires Wyoming […]
Say “no” to EOG Resources application for injection well in Laramie County
This editorial appeared in the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle. Water. Potable drinking water is absolutely necessary for those living in rural Laramie County. The eastern two thirds of Laramie County is designated as a water shortage area. Rural residents get their potable water from wells in the Ogallala Aquifer, also known as the High Plains Aquifer, which […]
Our Tips for Landowners Negotiating Oil & Gas Leases and/or Surface Use & Damage Agreements
Lawyer up! Choose an attorney that specializes in mineral development for land owners. Become familiar with the Wyoming Split Estate Law, which is based on the concept of mutual accommodation. Don’t be in a hurry. Talk in detail with your neighbors and others who have been in negotiations. Those who sign a mineral lease, surface […]
A Living Legacy – Wyoming’s Fortification Creek Area
The Powder River Basin Resource Council is a grassroots organization of individuals and affiliate groups dedicated to good stewardship of Wyoming’s natural resources. The Resource Council was formed in 1973 and stands for the preservation and enrichment of our agricultural heritage and rural lifestyle; the conservation of Wyoming’s unique land, minerals, water and clean air […]
Is Oil & Gas Drilling Coming to Your Neighborhood?
The Powder River Basin Resource Council and our Laramie County affiliate, Cheyenne Area Landowners Coalition (CALC), works with home and business-owners to advocate for increased setbacks and improved measures to mitigate air pollution and other quality of life impacts from noise, lights and traffic. To continue reading, please download the following PDF.